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TV-Show "Mystic Britain"

Verfasst: Di 5. Nov 2019, 02:49
von Markus
508788.jpg :Smithsonian Channel is set to reveal the secrets of Britain's most mysterious sites via a road trip mixing mysticism with very British humor. In this 10-part series, television and radio presenter Clive Anderson (Whose Line Is It Anyway?) and anthropologist Mary-Ann Ochota explore the island's ancient places and rituals. With Mary-Ann more than a match for Clive's signature wit and irreverence, the pair travel the length of Britain to investigate the strange and sacred beliefs of its past, joining scientists, archaeologists and historians to look at the latest discoveries unearthing what ancient Britons did in the name of their beliefs and why.
Mystic Britain - Episode 1: Witches and Demons :In the series premiere, WITCHES AND DEMONS, Clive travels to the ancient Church of St. Mary's Troston, where the walls are scored with medieval demonic symbols. Mary-Ann tries her hand at spells and curses, learning why demons really weren't very smart. Clive tries to understand why people 600 years ago truly believed that demons walked the earth doing the devil's work. The two discover that these evil creatures transformed into something very real and very human - witches. What drove such intense levels of superstition in our ancestors? And were people really practicing black magic?
Mystic Britain - Episode 6: Mummies :When we think of mummies, our minds usually turn to ancient Egypt and its bandage-wrapped pharaohs and queens. But as Clive Anderson and Mary-Ann Ochota explore Britain's mystic past, they discover a very different type of mummy, created by smoke, salty sea caves, and bogs. Journey across the United Kingdom as we examine bones from the Bronze Age, revealing strange puppet skeletons, bodies with bits missing, and even a macabre marionette.
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